About Us
About Us
Liquid Industrial By-Products Inc.
Liquid Industrial By-Products Inc has been serving our Michigan customers since 1986.
We receive and process a wide range of non-hazardous by-products, such as oils, coolants and ground water, from numerous industries, remediation projects, municipalities and landfills. Liquid Industrial By-Products Inc then breaks down the waste products into oils that are recycled; into solids; and into treated water that is tested before discharging to the Holland Board of Public Works waste water treatment facility.
We are committed to providing the best solutions and the best service to our clients – at competitive rates.
Our 14,325-square foot facility was built in 1996 to exceed the MDEQ design requirements. The secondary 60 mil containment liner under the floor of the entire building was not required by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, but serves as an added protection for the environment, for the company and for the client. The building has a 65 foot impervious clay base, is totally contained and is also pollution liability insured. The structure contains eight 21,000 gallon disposal tanks and five truck docks inside where the industrial waste trucks are unloaded.